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Federation Publicizes Top Cases Involving Women, Children's Rights, Interests

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Federation Publicizes Top Cases Involving Women, Children's Rights, Interests

ByYao Yao September 10, 2022

Yunnan Women's Federation, Yunnan Higher People's Court, Yunnan Provincial People's Procuratorate and Yunnan Provincial Department of Justice on June 27 hosted a ceremony to release the list of the province's Top 10 Women and Children's Rights-Protection Cases. The event was held in Kunming, capital of Southwest China's Yunnan Province.

Organizers selected the cases from among nearly 97 cases recommended by judges, procurators, lawyers, psychologists and/or workers with women's federations and other women's organizations, at all levels in Yunnan Province, during the past year. The selection of the cases highlighted the achievements of women's federations, at all levels in Yunnan, and law enforcement agencies (in the province) in working together to protect women and children's rights and interests in recent years. Some of the cases involved domestic violence, online fraud and/or abductions of and trafficking in children and women. Other cases involved infringements of minors' rights and interests, and of women's rights within marriage and family. The proper handling of the cases not only enabled the parties concerned to receive justice and benefit from equality, but will help guide law enforcement agencies as they handle cases involving infringements of women and children's rights and interests.

During the ceremony, many in attendance were impressed by the situation comedies, adapted based on several of the above-mentioned cases. Scholars (who study laws and legal regulations) explained the legal information presented in the comedies.

Since 2016, Yunnan Women's Federation, Yunnan Association of Women Judges, Yunnan Association of Women Procurators and Yunnan Association of Women Lawyers have held six activities to select the province's Top 10 Women and Children's Rights-Protection Cases.


(Women of China English Monthly August 2022 issue)


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